Monday, August 13, 2007


等我話你地知「咩野」係你地通常拒絕回答問題時用架標準句子 - 「假設性問題係唔會答」?

  1. This is a question about something which is not true but could be true !

  2. There are cases where a hypothetical question can be dismissed, however, it is never true that a hypothetical questions can be dismissed only because it is hypothetical.

  3. A hypothetical question is one that is answered only in terms of validity, not soundness.Thus the question is designed to make a number of assumptions, and be answered as if those assumption are true.

  4. Normally when someone dismisses a question because it is hypothetical, there is a good chance that he is trying to avoid dealing with a difficult situation and hoping no one will notice.

你地每日都話「假設性問題一律唔答」. Why ? 因為市場充斥著一大批「一流客戶」,但呢批一流客戶係強烈要求「九流」服務 - 即「旁門左道」。更何況我地呢個行業 d 客戶及中間人 - 大部份係缺乏「道德」行為標準,以「假設性問題」套取「真實事故的答案」,繼而再以欺騙手法「偽造一個真實個案」, 意圖詐取 $$$ 既利益。所以,為了保障公司利益,你地採取「逃避策略」「一律唔答」...我唔會話你地錯。我每次係「山頂馬戲團」返工時,見到此類「中間人」,己感到「嘔心」...佢地一樣欺凌「馬戲團」 d 同事。但我唔係「九流」之類,我有「道德標準」, 你地知架 bor。我精通「旁門左道」,使鬼問佢「假設性問題」.....真係要 xyz 滿天星斗 ma ma ma ma ma .. xyz#%^&*"?#^&*~...

係今次個 dispute, 我從來冇問呢個同事 any hypothetical question. 我所問架係「合約條文」的詮釋。果位同事冇正式解答我條問題,便一腳以「hypothetical question」踢我走。佢當我係「九流」?我唔怕話你地知,假如我聽話聽教, 聽佢話去搵 CEO 投訴,我會要求呈交「錄音帶記錄」作為當日通話之證據。我唔會俾人屈,事實就係事實。


佢究竟有冇用下個大腦,佢有冇經 Mr. Horse 批淮先寫呢句說話?佢知唔知道煽動他人去 CEO 度投訴,係分分鐘會累死好多人架?好心佢啦....我顧全大局....唔會同佢癲....因我有「品」 lor!

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