Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Where is Servicing Account Executive ???? 喂...快 d 搵我。有個 manager 唔肯答我野. 佢覆我架email係極度「官撩」,全文如下:-
"Sorry for keep you waiting. Please be informed that XXXXXX colleagues will only answer to those actual real situation occurred and no hypothetical questions will be replied. If you have any query regarding the Policy coverage, please contact your servicing Account Executive. If there is any real case, please kindly ask your client to fill in the XXXXX XXXX and forward to us for handling."

如果係第ニ個,已經直接去搵 CEO 尋求答案,駛鬼問佢!甘樣覆我 email ?佢...哎....欺善怕惡 ! 好采佢踫到我呢個一等好人。我從來唔會學其他人去「老板」果度插人。有時,都唔怪得其他人去搵 CEO,呢個始乎係最有效架解決方案.

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