Saturday, August 11, 2007


喂,我今日收到一個 email, 有以下一句說話... 呵呵..

"Everyone has own duties and I just do whatever I have to do. If you think that I haven't done my job and keep you angry, you have the right to file the complaint to CEO if you think it is necessary"

呢個人真係好有型 wor!!竟然贊成我去搵 CEO 投訴。你地估下如果我聽佢講去搵 CEO 投訴,我會點做呢?都係唔好講俾你地知,保持高度秘密。我係會有好多野講俾CEO 聽架。
你地現時開始記得打醒十二分精神返工,隨時隨地 CEO 會召見你地架。仲有,練下 d English ,因 CEO 係洋人,唔識 Cantonese。知道冇??
甘樣,係咪叫我唔使俾面 Mr. Horse 呀??

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